Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Transcription and Translation

The Central Dogma

All organisms, from the simplest bacteria to human beings, use the same basic mechanism of reading and expressing genes.  This is so fundamental to life and it is known as the “Central Dogma”.   Information passes from the genes (DNA) to an RNA copy of the gene, and the RNA copy directs the sequential assembly of a chain of amino acids or protein.

DNA ® RNA ®  Protein

The information encoded in genes is expressed to protein in two phases: transcription, in which RNA polymerase assembles an mRNA molecule complementary to the DNA and translation, in which a ribosome assembles a polypeptide, whose amino acid sequence is specified by the nucleotide sequence in mRNA.

Transcription: An Overview

The first step of the Central Dogma is the transfer of information from DNA to RNA, which occurs when an mRNA copy of the gene is produced. This stage is called transcription. Transcription is initiated when the enzyme RNA polymerase binds to a particular binding site called a promoter located at the beginning of a gene. Starting there, the RNA polymerase moves along the strand into the gene. As it encounters each DNA nucleotide, it adds the corresponding complementary RNA nucleotide to a growing mRNA strand. Thus, guanine (G), cytosine (C), thymine (T), and adenine (A) in the DNA would signal the addition of C, G, A, and uracil (U), respectively, to the mRNA.

When the RNA polymerase arrives at a transcriptional “stop” signal at the end of the gene, it disengages from the DNA and releases the newly assembled RNA chain. This chain is the mRNA which is the complementary transcript of the gene from which it was copied.

Translation: An Overview

The second step of the Central Dogma is the transfer of information from RNA to protein.   Here the information contained in the mRNA is used to direct the sequence of amino acids during the synthesis of polypeptides by ribosomes. Translation begins when an rRNA molecule within the ribosome recognizes and binds to a “start” sequence on the mRNA. The ribosome then moves along the mRNA molecule, three nucleotides at a time. Each group of three nucleotides is a code word that specifies which amino acid will be added to the growing polypeptide chain. The ribosome continues in this fashion until it encounters a translational “stop” signal; then it disengages from the mRNA and releases the completed polypeptide.

The two steps of the Central Dogma, taken together, are a concise summary of are the events involved in the expression of an active gene. So this process is known as gene expression.

The Central Dogma of gene expression

Kinds of RNA

The class of RNA found in ribosomes is called ribosomal RNA (rRNA). During polypeptide synthesis, rRNA provides the site where polypeptides are assembled.

Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules both transport the amino acids to the ribosome for use in building the polypeptides and position each amino acid at the correct place on the elongating polypeptide chain.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules are long strands of RNA that are transcribed from DNA and that travel to the ribosomes to direct precisely which amino acids are assembled into polypeptides.

                                                                  t RNA

The genetic code

The genetic code is the key that relates, in Crick’s words, “...the two great polymer languages, the nucleic acid language and the protein language.”

The “letters” in the “language” were found to be the bases; the “words” (codons) are groups of bases; and the “sentences” and “paragraphs” equate with groups of codons.

The basic problem of such a genetic code is to indicate how information written in a four-letter language (four nucleotides or nitrogen bases of DNA) can be translated into a twenty-letter-language (twenty amino acids of proteins).

The group of nucleotides that specifies one amino acid is a code word or codon. The simplest possible code is a singlet code (a code of single letter) in which one nucleotide codes for one amino acid. Such a code is inadequate for only four amino acids could be specified. A doublet code (a code of two letters) is also inadequate because it could specify only sixteen (4 × 4) amino acids, whereas a triplet code (a code of three letters) could specify sixty four (4 × 4 × 4) amino acids and Four-base code (4 × 4 × 4× 4) specify 256 combinations.

Crick and his colleagues reasoned that it will be a triplet code (a code of three letters) since it is more than enough to code for the 20 amino acids. Their confusion was whether the codons are continuous sequence of transcribed nucleotides or the sequence is punctuated with untranscribed nucleotides between the codons, like the spaces that separate the words in a sentence.  Crick and his colleagues used a chemical to delete one, two, or three nucleotides from a viral DNA molecule (T4 bacteriophages of E. coli) and then analysed whether a gene downstream of the deletions was transcribed correctly. When they made a single deletion or two deletions near each other, the reading frame of the genetic message shifted, and the downstream gene was transcribed as nonsense. However, when they made three deletions, the correct reading frame was restored, and the sequences downstream were transcribed correctly. They obtained the same results when they made additions to the DNA consisting of one, two, or three nucleotides.

Thus it was concluded that the genetic code is read as three nucleotides (in other words, it is a triplet code) and that reading occurs continuously without punctuation between the three-nucleotide units.

In 1961, Marshall Nirenberg discovered that adding the synthetic mRNA molecule polyU (an RNA molecule consisting of a string of uracil nucleotides) to cell-free systems resulted in the production of the polypeptide polyphenylalanine (a string of phenylalanine amino acids). Therefore, UUU specify phenylalanine.

In 1964, Nirenberg and Philip Leder developed a triplet binding assay in which a specific triplet was tested to see which radioactive amino acid (complexed to tRNA) it would bind. 47 of the 64 possible triplets gave unambiguous results.

Har Gobind Khorana decoded the remaining 17 triplets by constructing artificial mRNA molecules of defined sequence and examining what polypeptides they directed. In these ways, all 64 possible three-nucleotide sequences were tested, and the full genetic code was determined.

Some of the most important properties of genetic codes are as follows:

1. The code is a triplet codon:

The nucleotides of mRNA are arranged as a linear sequence of codons, each codon consisting of three successive nitrogenous bases, i.e., the code is a triplet codon.

2. The code is non-overlapping:

In translating mRNA molecules the codons do not overlap but are “read” sequentially. Thus, a non-overlapping code means that a base in mRNA is not used for different codons.  However, it has been shown that in the bacteriophage ɸ × l74 there is a possibility of overlapping codons.

3. The code is commaless:

The genetic code is commaless, which means that no codon is reserved for punctuations. It means that after one amino acid is coded, the second amino acid will be automatically, coded by the next three letters and that no letters are wasted as the punctuation marks.

4. The code is non-ambiguous:

Non-ambiguous code means that a particular codon will always code for the same amino acid. In case of ambiguous code, the same codon could code two or more than two different amino acids.

5. The code has polarity:

The code is always read in a fixed direction, in 5′→3′ direction. In other words, the codon has a polarity. If the code is read in opposite directions, it would specify two different proteins.

6. The code is degenerate:

More than one codon may specify the same amino acid; this is called degeneracy of the code. For example, except for tryptophan and methionine, which have a single codon each, all other 18 amino acids have more than one codon.

Phenylalanine, tyrosine, histidine, glutamine, asparagine, lysine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and cysteine have two codons each.

Isoleucine has three codons.

Valine, proline, threonine, alanine and glycine have four codons each.

Leucine, arginine and serine have six codons each.

The code degeneracy is of two types: partial and complete. Partial degeneracy occurs when first two nucleotides are identical but the third nucleotide of the degenerate codons differs, e.g., CUU and CUC code for leucine. Complete degeneracy occurs when any of the four bases can take third position and still code for the same amino acid (e.g., UCU, UCC, UCA and UCG code for serine).

7. Some codes act as start codons:

In most organisms, AUG codon is the start or initiation codon, i.e., the polypeptide chain starts either with methionine (eukaryotes) or N- formylmethionine (prokaryotes).

In rare cases, GUG also serves as the initiation codon, e.g., bacterial protein synthesis.

8. Some codes act as stop codons:

Three codons UAG, UAA and UGA are the chain stop or termination codons. They do not code for any of the amino acids. These codons are not read by any tRNA molecules (via their anticodons), but are read by some specific proteins, called release factors (e.g., RF-1, RF-2, RF-3 in prokaryotes and RF in eukaryotes). These codons are also called nonsense codons, since they do not specify any amino acid.

The UAG was the first termination codon to be discovered and was named amber. UAA is termed ochre and UGA is opal or umber.

9. The code is universal:

Same genetic code is found valid for all organisms ranging from bacteria to man. The genetic code may have developed 3 billion (300 crore) years ago with the first bacteria, and it has changed very little throughout the evolution of living organisms.

Recently, some differences have been discovered between the universal genetic code and mitochondrial genetic code.  In the case of yeast mitochondria, UGA codes for tryptophan, while in the nuclear genes, UGA is a termination codon.

Wobble hypothesis

According to this hypothesis, the first two bases of the anticodon are strictly standard for the first two constant bases of the codon and pair strongly with them. The third base of the codon is not so specific in its base pairing and may wobble (pair loosely) in pairing with the corresponding base in the anticodon. As a result of this, each tRNA recognizes several codons for its amino acid.

If U is present at first position of anticodon, it can pair with either A or G at the third position of codon. Similarly, when C or A occurs in the 5′ position of the anticodon, it can pair only with G or U, respectively, in the 3′ position of a codon.

A wobble base pair is a pairing between two nucleotides in RNA molecules that does not follow Watson-Crick base pair rules.


The first step in gene expression is the production of an RNA copy of the DNA sequence encoding the gene, a process called transcription.  The enzyme involved is RNA polymerase.

Only one of the two strands of DNA, called the template strand, is transcribed. The RNA transcript’s sequence is complementary to the template strand. The strand of DNA that is not transcribed is called the coding strand. It has the same sequence as the RNA transcript, except T takes the place of U. The coding strand is also known as the sense (+) strand, and the template strand as the antisense (–) strand.  In both bacteria and eukaryotes, the polymerase adds ribonucleotides to the growing 3′ end of an RNA chain. No primer is needed, and synthesis proceeds in the 5′→3′ direction.

Prokaryotic Transcription

A prokaryotic protein coding gene is divided into three sequences with respect to transcription.

1.      A sequence adjacent to the start of the gene called the Promoter with which RNA Polymerase (RNAP) interact.

2.      The RNA coding sequence.  The sequence of DNA base pairs transcribed by RNAP into single stranded mRNA transcript.

3.      A sequence adjacent to the end of the gene where transcription will stop.  This sequence is known as terminator sequence.

The promoter is considered upstream from the gene and the terminator is downstream from the gene.

Factors required for transcription

Bacterial RNA polymerase is very large and complex, consisting of five subunits: two α subunits bind regulatory proteins, a β′ subunit binds the DNA template, a β subunit binds RNA nucleoside subunits, and a σ subunit recognizes the promoter and initiates synthesis.

1. RNA polymerase (enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template).

a) Core enzyme = 3 different types of subunits (2 α; 1 β; 1 β′)

(1) β - binds incoming nucleotides

(2) β′ – binds DNA

(3) α - helps with enzyme assembly; interacts with other transcriptional activator proteins

b) Holoenzyme = core enzyme + σ factor

σ factor recognizes the promoter

2. Accessory transcription activator proteins

a) Can bind to specific DNA sequences and help RNA polymerase initiate transcription via protein-protein interactions or by altering the structure of the DNA.

b) Transcription of some promoters requires an accessory transcriptional activator; at other promoters, the activators just increase the rate of transcription but are not absolutely required.

3. Template DNA containing gene or genes to be transcribed

4. Promoter - The regulatory element that determine when a gene “turned on” (transcribed) or “turned off”. The promoter DNA is located upstream of the gene and contains a sequence which σ factor of RNAP and other transcription factors bind.  The -35 region and the -10 region comprise the prokaryotic promoter. 

·         The consensus sequence (sequence indicating which nucleotides are found most frequently) for -35 region is 5’ TTGACA 3’. 

·         The consensus sequence for -10 region (Pribnow box) is 5’ TATAAT 3’.  The Promoter is recognized and bound by RNA polymerase during initiation. This region of the DNA is the first place where base pairs separate during transcription to allow access to the template strand. The AT-richness of Pribnow box is important to allow this separation, since adenine and thymine are easier to break apart.

5. NTPs, Mg2+

Prokaryotic Transcription stages

I. Initiation

1. RNAP (Holoenzyme) scans the DNA looking for promoters. 

4. RNAP binds to double helical DNA covering approximately 60 basepairs forming a closed complex.

5. RNAP unwinds the DNA resulting in open complex formation.

6. First nucleotides are added to start RNA chain.

7. Accessory transcription factors may aid in the steps.

II. Elongation

1. Elongation is 5′→3′

2. σ factor is ejected from RNAP after first 2-10 nucleotides are added.

3. It was once believed that elongation occurred at a constant rate; however, recent work suggests that RNAP may pause during elongation.

III. Termination (2 types)

1. Rho independent: A specific sequence at the end of the gene signals termination. The sequence is transcribed into RNA. This sequence contains numerous Gs and Cs, which forms a hairpin structure, followed by a string of Us.

The hairpin destabilizes the DNA: RNA hybrid leading to dissociation of the RNA from the DNA.

2. Rho dependent: Rho protein binds to a sequence in the RNA known as rut site. Rho moves along the RNA in the 3’ direction until it eventually unwinds the DNA:RNA hybrid in the active site, thereby pulling the RNA away from the DNA and RNAP.

Eukaryotic transcription occurs in nucleus

In eukaryotes RNA polymerase II transcribes protein coding genes or structural genes.  The product of transcription is precursor mRNA or Pre-mRNA.  This molecule must be modified and/ or processed to produce the mature and functional mRNA molecule. 

Factors involved

1. RNA polymerases – Much more complex that prokaryotic RNAP (numerous additional factors required, multiple polymerases)



RNA synthesized

Effect of α-amanitin



5.8 S,  18 S, and 28S rRNAs




mRNA, hnRNAs, some snRNAs

Highly Sensitive



tRNAs, 5S rRNA, some snRNAs

Intermediate Sensitivity

α-amanitin is a toxin produced by the mushroom Amanita phalloides.

2. Eukaryotic RNAPs have subunits that are homologous to α, β, and β’ of prokaryotic RNAP; however, eukaryotic RNAP also contain many additional subunits.

3. Template DNA containing the gene to be transcribed

4. Eukaryotic regulatory elements

A protein coding gene has several sequences involved in the regulation of gene’s transcription. There will be positive regulatory elements (for activation transcription) and negative regulatory elements (for repressing transcription). Specific transcription factors (required for initiation of transcription) and regulatory factors (involved in the activation or repression of transcription) bind to these elements.  The regulatory elements will be several hundred bases away from the site of initiation o transcription.  The regulartory elements adjacent to transcription start site are known as promoters and the distant regulatory elements are known as enhancers. 

a.       Closest to the transcription start site is the TATA box or TATA element or Goldberg-Hogness box located –25 to -30 from the start of transcription.  It has the consensus sequence 5’ TATAAA 3’.

b.      Upstream from the TATA region is a variably located sequence containing the sequence CCAAT (frequently at –80) known as CAAT box.  It has the consensus sequence 5’ GGCCAATCT 3’.

c.       Then GC box has the consensus sequence 5’ GGGCGG 3’.  This helps RNA polymerase bind near the transcription start point.

Enhancers or enhancer elements are required for maximum transcription to occur.  It will be more than 1000 base pair away from the promoter generally upstream of the gene.  Similar elements which function to repress the gene transcription are silencer elements.  Enhancer elements do not have any consensus sequence.

4.      NTPs, Mg2+

Transcription events in eukaryotes

RNAP is unable to recognise the promoter region.  It needs Transcription Factors (TFs) to bring about the initiation of transcription by RNAP.  TF1 for RNAPI, TFII for RNAPII and TFIII for RNAPIII. 

During initiation TFIID or TATA factor binds to the TATA element and TFIIA and a regulatory factor which is bound to enhancer sequence.  This binding makes the DNA to form a loop and RNAP can bind and along with TFIIB, TFIIF and TFIIE forms the transcription initiation complex. 

During elongation, TFIIB and TFIIE are released.  TFIIS binds to the polymerase enzyme and elongation continues. 

The last stage of transcription is termination, which leads to the dissociation of the complete transcript and the release of RNA polymerase from the template DNA.  The process differs for each of the three RNA polymerases.  The termination of transcription of pre-rRNA genes by polymerase I is performed by a system that needs a specific transcription termination factor and the mechanism bears some resemblance to the rho-dependent termination in prokaryotes.  In case of polymerase II, two protein complexes recognize the poly-A signal in the transcribed RNA.  The long poly-A tail is unique to transcripts made by Pol II.  RNA polymerase III can terminate transcription efficiently without involvement of additional factors. The Pol III termination signal consists of a stretch of thymines (on the non template strand) located within 40bp downstream from the 3' end of mature RNAs.  The poly-T termination signal pauses Pol III and causes it to back track to the nearest RNA hairpin to become a “dead-end” complex

Post transcriptional modifications or RNA processing

Post-transcriptional modification or Co-transcriptional modification is a process in eukaryotic cells by which, primary transcript RNA or Pre-mRNA is converted into mature RNA. This process is vital for the correct translation of the genes in eukaryotes because the human primary RNA transcript contains both exons (coding sections of the transcript) and introns (non-coding sections of the primary RNA transcript). 

The pre-mRNA molecule undergoes three main modifications. These modifications are 5' capping, 3' polyadenylation, and RNA splicing, which occur in the cell nucleus before the RNA is translated.

1.      5’ capping: At the end of transcription, the 5' end of the RNA transcript contains a free triphosphate group. The capping process replaces the triphosphate group with another structure called the "cap". The cap is added by the enzyme guanyl transferase. This enzyme catalyzes the reaction between the 5' end of the RNA transcript and a guanine triphosphate (GTP) molecule.  Capping involves the addition of a guanine nucleotide (generally 7-methyl guanosine) to the terminal 5’ nucleotide by an unusual 5’-5’ linkage and the addition of two methyl groups to the first two nucleotides of the RNA chain.  Capping occurs when the transcript is 20-30 nucleotides long.  The process is carried out by a capping enzyme. 

·         5' Terminal phosphate group is removed by RNA triphosphatase, leaving a bisphosphate group

·         GTP is added to the terminal bisphosphate by mRNA guanylyl transferase

·         The 7-nitrogen of guanine is methylated by mRNA (guanine-N7-)-methyltransferase, using  S-adenosyl-L-methionine

·         The ribose of the adjacent 1-2 nucleotides will be methylated to give a cap 1.

The cap is essential for the ribosome to bind to the 5’ end of mRNA during translation and it protects the 5' end of the primary RNA transcript from attack by ribonucleases that have specificity to the 3'5' phosphodiester bonds.

2.      Addition of 3’ poly(A) tail: Poly(A) polymerase adds 150-200 ‘A’ residues are added to the 3’ end of the mRNA. The poly(A) tail increases the stability of the mRNA in eukaryotes.

3.      Splicing: The primary transcripts often contain intervening sequences (introns) that are removed from the RNA prior to translation by a cleavage reaction catalyzed by snRNPs (small nuclear ribonuclear proteins which contain RNA and protein). Frequently, the splicing site in the intron has a GU at the 5’ end and an AG at the 3’ end. The snRNP aligns these ends in a lariat formation to allow precise splicing.

Complexes containing the snRNP, mRNA, and associated proteins are called spliceosomes.

Splicing is important since

(1) Splicing allows variations of a gene and therefore gene product to be made

(2) It has been suggested that exons correspond to functional motifs in proteins and thus the presence of genes that require slicing allows for evolutionary tinkering (attempt to repair or improve)

(3) Many viruses have spliced mRNAs and so understanding the process may lead to new therapeutic approaches.

Untranslated region (or UTR) is  either of two sections, one on each side of a coding sequence on a strand of mRNA. If it is found on the 5' side, it is called the 5' UTR (leader sequence).  If it is found on the 3' side, it is called the 3' UTR (trailer sequence).

RNA export: RNA synthesis and processing occurs in the nucleus. The mature mRNA is then transported through the nuclear pores in the nuclear envelope to the cytoplasm.

Prokaryotic transcription

Eukaryotic transcription

Transcription and translation are coupled

Not Coupled


Occurs in the cytoplasm.

Occurs in the nucleus.


RNAs are released and processed in the cytoplasm.

RNAs are released and processes in the nucleus.


Pre RNA molecules are released and processed in the cytoplasm.

Pre RNA are released and processed in the nucleus.


A single RNA polymerase

RNA polymerases I, II and III


RNA polymerases are complexes of five polypeptides.

RNA polymerases are complexes of 10-15 polypeptides.


Initiation of transcription does not need any proteins or initiation factors.

Initiation of transcription requires proteins called transcription factors.


There is no definite phase for its occurrence.

Take place in the G1 and G2 phases of cell cycle.


The mRNA primary transcript has fewer additional nucleotides.

The mRNA primary transcript has a large number of additional nucleotides.


Transcriptional unit has one or more genes (Polycistronic).

Transcriptional unit has only one gene (Monocistronic).


Transcription and translation nearly simultaneous. Little process of mRNA

Processing of hnRNA includes  Addition of 5’cap and Addition of 3’poly A tail and splicing


The 23S, 16S and 5S rRNAs are formed from a single primary transcript.

The 28S, 18S, 5.8S and 5S rRNAS are formed from two primary transcripts.



Rifampin: RNA polymerase binds to β subunit.

Actinomycin-Intercalates to interrupt transcription.


α amanitin: Inhibits RNA polymerase 2 most srongly



Translation is the production of a polypeptide (protein) using RNA as a template and tRNA molecules as “adapters” that convert the nucleic acid code to protein code.  In translation, messenger RNA (mRNA)—produced by transcription from DNA is decoded by a ribosome to produce a specific amino acid chain, or polypeptide. The polypeptide later folds into an active protein. The ribosome facilitates decoding by inducing the binding of complementary tRNA anticodon sequences to mRNA codons. The tRNAs carry specific amino acids.  The aminoacids carried by t RNA are chained together into a polypeptide as the mRNA passes through and is "read" by the ribosome.

There are about 45 different kinds of tRNA molecules.  Particular amino acids become associated with particular tRNA molecules by activating enzymes called aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.  There are 20 aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases each recognizing 1 amino acid and the tRNAs that to which that amino acid is to be attached. The enzyme catalyze the bonding between specific tRNAs and the amino acids and the product of this reaction is an aminoacyl-tRNA

Factors required for Prokaryotic translation

1.         mRNA – contains a RBS (ribosome binding site ) / also known as a Shine- Delgarno sequence. The Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence is a ribosomal binding site in prokaryotic mRNA, generally located around 8 bases upstream of the start codon AUG. The RNA sequence helps to recruit the ribosome to the mRNA to initiate protein synthesis by aligning the ribosome with the start codon. The RBS is characterized by a core sequence 5’AGGAGU3’.

2.         tRNA – is a type of RNA molecule that helps decode a messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence into a protein.

a) anticodon - a 3 nucleotide sequence that is complementary and antiparallel to mRNA codon

b) amino acid attachment site at the 3’ end for attachment of amino acid

Aminoacyl tRNA = tRNA with amino acid attached = charged tRNA.

3.         Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase – transfers the amino acid to its proper tRNA; there are 20 of these, each recognizing 1 amino acid and the corresponding tRNAs.

4.         Ribosomes: A ribosome is made from complexes of RNAs and proteins and is a ribonucleoprotein. Each ribosome is divided into two subunits: a smaller subunit which binds to a larger subunit and the mRNA pattern, and a larger subunit which binds to the tRNA, the amino acids, and the smaller subunit.

a) Large subunit (50S) – consists of 23S and 5S rRNAs and 31 ribosomal proteins

b) Small subunit (30S) - consists of 16S rRNA and 21 ribosomal proteins

The ribosome has three sites for tRNA to bind. They are the aminoacyl site (abbreviated A), the peptidyl site (abbreviated P) and the exit site (abbreviated E).

The A site binds the incoming tRNA with the complementary codon on the mRNA.

The P site holds the tRNA with the growing polypeptide chain.

The E site holds the tRNA without its amino acid.

When an aminoacyl-tRNA initially binds to its corresponding codon on the mRNA, it is in the A site. Then, a peptide bond forms between the amino acid of the tRNA in the A site and the amino acid of the tRNA in the P site. The growing polypeptide chain is transferred to the tRNA in the A site from the tRNA in the P site. Translocation occurs, moving the tRNA in the P site (without an amino acid) to the E site. the tRNA that was in the A site, now charged with the polypeptide chain, is moved to the P site. The tRNA in the E site leaves and another aminoacyl-tRNA enters the A site to repeat the process.

5.         Translation factors

a) Initiation factors

(1) IF1 – promotes association of ribosomal subunits

(2) IF2 (·GTP) – required for fMET-tRNA binding

(3) IF3 – required for mRNA binding, finding the AUG

b) Elongation factors

(1) EF-Tu (·GTP) – binds aminoacid-tRNA to the ribosome

(2) EF-Ts – regenerates EF-Tu·GTP

(3) EF-G (·GTP) – increases translocation rate

c) Termination factors

(1) RF1 – recognizes UAA and UAG stop codons

(2) RF2 – recognizes UAA and UGA nonsense codons

(3) RF3 (·GTP) – enhanced RF-1 and –2 binding to ribosome

6.         Amino acids

7.         F-met (N-formyl Met-tRNA)

8.         GTP

9.         ATP (for charging tRNAs)

 UAA, UAG, and UGA known as nonsense codons, serve as “stop” signals in the mRNA marking the end of a polypeptide. The “start” signal that marks the beginning of a polypeptide within an mRNA message is the codon AUG, which encodes the amino acid methionine. The ribosome use the first AUG that it encounters in the mRNA to signal the start of translation.

 Translation process in Prokaryotes


In prokaryotes, polypeptide synthesis begins with the formation of initiation complex.

1.    IF1, IF2·GTP, and IF3 bind to the 30S subunit.

2.    Binding of mRNA and fmet-tRNA to the 30S subunit facilitated by IF3.  fmet-tRNA is hydrogen bonded to the AUG initiation codon in the P site. This forms the 30S initiation complex. Release of IF3 occurs.

3.    50S subunit binds with GTP hydrolysis and release of IF1 and IF2. This is the 70S initiation complex.

IF1, IF2 and IF3 are recycled for further uses.  fmet-tRNA is bound to mRNA in the P site.



Addition of amino acids to the growing polypeptide chain involves three steps

1.      Binding of aminoacyl tRNA

2.      Peptide Bond formation

3.      Translocation

Binding of aminoacyl tRNA: at the start of elongation phase, fmet-tRNA is bound to mRNA in the P site in the 70S initiation complex.  An appropriate aminoacyl tRNA binds to the mRNA codon in the A site.  This is done with the help of elongation factor EF-Tu and GTP.  GTP gets hydrolysed and EF-Tu –GDP is released. 

EF-Tu is recycled by using elongation factor EF-Ts.  EF-Ts bind to EF-Tu –GDP and displace GDP.  EF-Ts -EF-Tu complex binds to GTP and EF-Ts is released regenerating EF-Tu-GTP. 

Peptide Bond formation: Now the fmet-tRNA is bound to mRNA in the P site and aminoacyl tRNA is bound in the A site.  This position allows the formation of peptide bond between the two amino acids.  Initially the bond between fMet and tRNA is broken and the enzyme peptidyl transferase catalyses the peptide bond formation between fMet and the amino acid in the aminoacyl tRNA. Now the tRNA without any amino acid is left in the P site.  The tRNA in the A site carries the newly formed peptide. 

Translocation: with the tRNA without any amino acid is left in the P site and the newly formed peptidyl tRNA in the A site, the ribosome moves one codon along the mRNA toward the 3’ end.  This translocation is by the activity of elongation factors EF-G.  EF-G-GTP complex bind to ribosome and the hydrolysis of GTP the ribosome to move.  This results in positioning the peptidyl tRNA in the P site and empty tRNA in the E site.  The A site is vacant and next aminoacyl tRNA complementary to the mRNA codon can bind here. 

The three steps are repeated until the translation terminates at the stop codon.  


Elongation continues until the polypeptide coded by the mRNA is completed.  The end of polypeptide chain is signalled by one of the three stop codons, UAA, UAG and UGA.  Ribosome recognises the termination codon with the help of termination factors or release factors, RF1, RF2 and RF3.  RF1 recognises UAA and UAG while RF2 recognises UAA and UGA.  RF3 stimulates the termination events. 

The release factors cause

1.      The release of poly peptide from the tRNA in the P site

2.      Release of the tRNA from the ribosome

3.      Dissociation of two ribosome subunits from mRNA


Eukaryotic Translation is similar to prokaryotes except





It occurs on 70 S ribosomes.

It occurs on 80 S ribosomes.

a) Large subunit (60S)– consists of 28S, 5.8S, and 5S rRNAs and 50 ribosomal proteins

b) Small subunit (40S)- consists of 18S rRNA and 33 ribosomal proteins



It is a continuous process as both transcription and translation occur in cytoplasm.

It is a discontinuous process as transcription occurs in nucleus while translation takes place in cytoplasm.


mRNA is polycistronic.  Bacteria often include several genes within a single mRNA transcript (polycistronic mRNA),


mRNA is monicistronic.  Each eukaryotic gene is transcribed on a separate mRNA (monocistronic mRNA).


First amino acid taking part is fmet.

First amino acid is met (methionine).


Initiation codon is usually AUG, occasionally GUG or UUG.

Initiation codon is AUG. occasionally GUG or CUG.


It is a faster process, adds about 20 amino acids per second.

It is a slower process that adds one amino acid per second, thus a slower process.


It requires 3 initiation factors IFI. IF2. IF3.

It requires a set of 9 initiation factors elF 1, 2, 3, 4A. 4B, 4C, 4D, 5. 6.


After translation, formyl group from first formylated methionine is removed, retaining methionine in the polypeptide chain.

The whole of initiating methionine is removed from the polypeptide chain.



It requires two release factors RF1 (for UAG and UAA) and RF2 (for UAA and UGA) in the termination.

It requires single release factor eRF 1.



mRNA life is short (some seconds to some minutes) as mRNA is less stable.

mRNA has a life of few hours to few days. It is quite stable


Polysome : A polyribosome (or polysome) is a complex of an mRNA molecule and two or more ribosomes that is formed during active translation. Many ribosomes simultaneously read one mRNA progressing along the mRNA to synthesize the same protein.


Post-translational modification

Post-translational modification (PTM) refers to the covalent and generally enzymatic modification of proteins during or after protein biosynthesis. Proteins are synthesized by ribosomes translating mRNA into polypeptide chains, which may then undergo PTM to form the mature protein product.  The process of gene expression is not finished when an mRNA has been translated.  Many post translational modifications may be required for a polypeptide to fold into the shape required for function.  

Prokaryotic organisms generally lack post-translational modifications.  In eukaryotes there are a number of post-translational modifications after protein synthesis.

Amino-terminal modifications of polypeptides: These are the most common processing events and occur on most cytosolic proteins. Two types of events normally occur – removal of the N-terminal Met residue, catalyzed by Met aminopeptidase (MAP) and acetylation of the N – terminal residue, catalysed by N-acetyltransferase (NAT). Both enzymes are associated with ribosomes and act on nascent polypeptide.

Example -  N-acetylation of melanocyte-stimulating hormone is required for full biological activity.

Disulphide bond formation: In eukaryotes, formation of disulphide bond (cys-s-s-cys) occurs in the lumen of RER and is mediated by an enzyme called disulphide isomerase.  This is important in stabilization of tertiary structure. An improperly folded protein is unstable and lacks activity.

Disulphide bond is formed in secretory proteins and exoplasmic membrane proteins.

Modification of proteins by SUMO: There are Modification of proteins by SUMO (small ubiquitin-related modifier) addition

Ubiquitin and Targeted Protein Degradation: A polypeptide begins to fold as soon as it leaves the ribosome.  Some polypeptides can fold into their complete, mature conformation without help. However, most polypeptides required chaperones to help them fold properly.  Misfolded proteins are destroyed by Proteosomes.  The proteosome is a barrelshaped, multisubunit protease. Misfolded proteins enter one end and come out the other as small chains of amino acids (peptides) that are ultimately recycled.  Ubiquitin binds to misfolded proteins, targeting them for destruction by the proteosome.

Proteolytic cleavages: Proteolytic cleavage of a precursor form is required in some cases. Selected segments of amino acid sequences are removed to yield a functional protein.

Glycosylation: This posttranslational modification has important function in secretion, antigenicity and clearance of glycoproteins.

Oligosaccharides can be attached to proteins in three ways:

(i) Via an N-glycosidic bond to the R-group of an Asn-residue within the consensus sequence Asn-X-Ser/ Thr (N-glycosylation).

(ii) Via an O-gIycosidic bond to the R group of the Ser or Thr (O-glycosylation). O-linked glycosylation is extensive in structural proteins such as proteoglycans.

(iii) Carbohydrates are also components of the glycophosphotidylinositol anchor used to secure some proteins to the cell membrane.

Glycosylation is both organism- and cell type-specific and affect the function and immunogenicity of the protein.

Modification of amino acid within proteins: Modifications of this type include phosphorylation, acetylation, sulphation, acylation (carboxylation, myristylation and palmitylation). 

Modifications may include:

·         Phosphorylation, the addition of a phospahate group

·         Methylation, the addition of a methyl group

·         Subunit binding to form a multisubunit protein

·         Acylation, In most cases the initiator methionine is hydrolyzed and an acetyl group is added to the new N-terminal amino acid.

·         Sulfation, Sulfate modification of proteins occurs at tyrosine residues. As many as 1% of all tyrosine residues present in the eukaryotic proteome are modified by sulfate addition

·         Prenylation, addition of the 15 carbon farnesyl group or the 20 carbon geranylgeranyl group

·         Vitamin C-Dependent Modifications, Modifications of proteins that depend upon vitamin C as a cofactor include proline and lysine hydroxylations and carboxy terminal amidation.

·         Vitamin K-Dependent Modifications, carboxylation of glutamic acid residues

·         Selenoproteins, Selenocysteine incorporation in eukaryotic proteins

Plasma membrane proteins and secreted proteins are post-translationally modified in the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) and the Golgi.

Purposes of Post-translational Events & Modifications:

·         Quality Control:  Chaperones, Glycosylation

·         Degradation of misfolded proteins: Ubiquitination

·         Proper protein function: Glycosylation, Phosphorylation, Ubiquitination

·         Target protein to proper locations:  Acylation, GPI anchors


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