Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Regulation of Gene expression in Prokaryotes - Lac and Trp Operon

Regulation of Gene expression

Cells have mechanisms that allow them to recognize specific environmental conditions under which they must either activate or repress transcription of genes relevant under those conditions allow them to turn the genes "on" or "off" as needed.

Control of gene expression can be exerted at the level of

  •      Transcription (regulation of RNA synthesis)
  •       RNA processing control (regulation of intron/exon splicing)
  •      Translation (regulation protein synthesis)
  •      Protein/enzyme function (modulation of protein function)

Gene regulation in prokaryotes

Gene expression is the most fundamental level at which the genotype gives rise to the phenotype.  Regulation of gene expression includes a wide range of mechanisms that are used by cells to increase or decrease the production of specific gene products (protein or RNA), and is informally termed gene regulation.  Bacteria are exposed to an ever-changing environment in which nutrient availability may increase or decrease radically. Bacteria respond to such variations in their environment by altering their gene expression pattern; thus, they express different enzymes depending on the carbon sources and other nutrients available to them.  The process of transcription, which is the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template, is where the regulation of the gene expression is most likely to occur.

A constitutive gene or a housekeeping gene is a gene that is transcribed continually at a relatively constant level. The housekeeping gene's products are typically needed for maintenance of the cell.  Examples are genes that code for components of ribosome, enzymes needed for glucose metabolism, protein synthesis, etc. An inducible gene or regulated gene is a gene whose expression is responsive to environmental change and is transcribed only when needed.  Example is the enzymes needed for utilisation of lactose in bacteria. 

Bacterial genes are organized into operons, or clusters of coregulated genes. In addition to being physically close in the genome, these genes are regulated such that they are all turned on or off together. operon is a functioning unit of genomic DNA containing a cluster of genes under the control of a single promoter.  The genes contained in the operon are either expressed together or not at all.  Grouping related genes under a common control mechanism allows bacteria to rapidly adapt to changes in the environment.

An operon is made up of 3 basic DNA components:

  • Promoter – a nucleotide sequence that is recognized by RNA polymerase, which then initiates transcription.
  • Operator – a segment of DNA that a repressor binds to. In the lac operon it is a segment between the promoter and the genes of the operon.
  • Structural genes – the genes that are co-regulated by the operon. An operon contains one or more structural genes which are transcribed into one polycistronic mRNA (a single mRNA molecule that codes for more than one protein).

Operon regulation can be either negative or positive by induction or repression

Negative control involves the binding of a repressor to the operator to prevent transcription.

In negative inducible operons, transcription is blocked by a regulatory repressor protein bound to the operator. If an inducer molecule is present, it binds to the repressor and changes its conformation so that it is unable to bind to the operator. This allows expression of the operon. The lac operon is a negatively controlled inducible operon, where the inducer molecule is lactose.

In negative repressible operons, transcription of the operon normally takes place. Repressor proteins are produced by a regulator gene, but they are unable to bind to the operator in their normal conformation. When certain molecules called corepressors are bound by the repressor protein, repressor becomes active. The activated repressor protein binds to the operator and prevents transcription. The trp operon, involved in the synthesis of tryptophan, is a negatively controlled repressible operon.

With positive control, an activator protein stimulates transcription by binding to DNA.

In positive inducible operons, activator proteins are normally unable to bind to the DNA. When an inducer is bound by the activator protein, it undergoes a change in conformation so that it can bind to the DNA and activate transcription.

In positive repressible operons, the activator proteins are normally bound to the DNA segment. However, when an inhibitor is bound by the activator, it is prevented from binding the DNA. This stops activation and transcription of the system.

The best-studied examples of operons are lac operon (an inducible system) and trp operon (a repressible system) in E. coli, and they involve the enzymes of lactose metabolism and tryptophan biosynthesis.

Lac operon (lactose operon)

This operon is required for the transport and metabolism of lactose in E coli and many other enteric bacteria. Although glucose is the preferred carbon source, the lac operon allows for the utilisation of lactose when glucose is not available.

The lac operon consists of three structural genes, promoter, terminator, regulator, and an operator.

o   P strands for promoter; it is the site where RNA polymerase attaches in order to transcribe mRNA.

o   The I gene is called a regulator gene; it is transcribed to make mRNA that translat to a repressor protein.

o   O stands for Operator; short sequence of bases that can be recognized by repressor protein (acts like a switch).

o   Z, Y and A are structural genes. 

  •   lacZ encodes β-galactosidase (LacZ), an intracellular enzyme that cleaves the disaccharide lactose into glucose and galactose.
  •    lacY encodes lactose permease (LacY), a transmembrane symporter that pumps β-galactosides into the cell using a proton gradient in the same direction.
  •     lacA encodes galactoside O-acetyltransferase (LacA), an enzyme that transfers an acetyl group from acetyl-CoA to β-galactosides.

Only lacZ and lacY appear to be necessary for lactose catabolism.

The lac operon is under both negative and positive control.

Negative Control of Transcription:

When lactose is absent

The I mRNA is translated into repressor protein.  In the absence of lactose, the repressor protein binds to the operator and prevents transcription from the promoter. No ZYA mRNA is made.

When lactose is present

The I mRNA is translated into repressor protein.  Lactose binds to the repressor and converts the repressor into an inactive state, where it cannot bind the Operator.  RNA polymerase binds to the promoter and several copies of ZYA mRNA is made.  Expression of permease causes more lactose to enter the cell and the operon will remain fully active until the lactose is no longer present

Positive Control of Transcription:

Cells use glucose as carbon source, even if alternative sources like lactose are present. Therefore the lac operon is expressed at a high level only when glucose absent.  Glucose is always metabolized first in preference to other sugars. Only after glucose is completely utilized is lactose degraded. The lac operon is repressed even though lactose (the inducer) is present. The ecological rationale is that glucose is a better source of energy than lactose since its utilization requires two less enzymes. Since the availability of glucose represses the enzymes for lactose utilization, this type of repression became known as catabolite repression or the glucose effect.  RNA polymerase cannot bind to promoter without the aid of CAP-cAMP complex. 

When glucose is present and lactose is present

In the presence of glucose, adenylate cyclase (AC) activity is blocked. AC is required to synthesize cAMP from ATP. Therefore, cAMP levels are low, CAP is inactive and transcription does not occur.

When glucose is absent and lactose is present

In the absence of glucose, adenylate cyclase (AC) activity is not blocked, cAMP levels are high, CAP is activated by cAMP, and transcription occurs (in the presence of lactose since it is the inducer).



The trp operon

This operon involves a group of genes that are transcribed together and codes for the components for production of tryptophan. The trp operon is present in many bacteria, and was first characterized in Escherichia coli.

The trp operon of E. coli controls the biosynthesis of tryptophan in the cell from the initial precursor chorismic acid. This operon contains genes for the production of five proteins (A, B, C, D and E) which are used to produce three enzymes. The products of the E and D genes form a multimeric protein to produce the enzyme anthranilate synthetase. This enzyme catalyzes the first two reactions in the tryptophan pathway. The next enzyme is indole glycerol phosphate synthetase, the product of the C locus. The final step in the reaction produces tryptophan catalyzed by tryptophan synthetase, an enzyme that is a multimer of two proteins (product of the B and A genes).

The trp operon consists of repressor, promoter, operator and the structural genes. Unlike the lac operon, the gene for the repressor is located in another part of the E. coli genome. Another difference is that the operator resides entirely within the promoter.

  • When there's an excess of trp in the cell, some of it will bind to and activate a free-floating regulator protein (R).
  • The R-trp complex has a high affinity for the trp operator. When it is attached, it blocks the attachment of RNA polymerase, stopping transcription. The operon is thus turned "off". The R protein is a repressor.
  • Because the product of the operon (the amino acid tryptophan) is involved in repressing the very gene responsible for its manufacture, tryptophan is said to be a corepressor
  • When the cell's trp concentration is very low, trp will diffuse off the regulator protein. The naked regulator loses its affinity for the operator, and detaches.  RNA polymerase can attach to the operon, transcribing the five genes coding for the tryptophan-manufacturing enzymes
  • In this condition, the operon is said to be derepressed until trp concentration raises enough to form active R-TRP, which will again repress the operon.

In prokaryotes, no nuclear membrane separates transcription and translation and the ribosomes will bind the RNA soon after it emerges from the RNA polymerase.  The close linkage of the processes can lead to interdependent control mechanisms such as the attenuation. Attenuation is a regulatory feature found throughout Archaea and Bacteria causing premature termination of transcription.  Since in bacteria, transcription and translation are coupled, attenuation effectively blocks gene expression. Attenuation involves a stop signal (attenuator) located in the DNA segment that corresponds to the leader sequence of mRNA. During attenuation, the ribosome becomes stalled (delayed) in the attenuator region in the mRNA leader.

When gene transcription is moderated by the attachment of a protein to the operator, the gene/operon system is said to be operating under operator control.  The trp operon can function also under attenuator control.  Unlike repression, attenuation is effected at the level of translation.

In trp operon attenuation is controlled by the trp leader sequence.

The transcript of the trp operon includes 162 nucleotides upstream of the initiation codon for trpE (the first structural gene).   Leader sequence contains four complementary regions that can bind together in various ways to form stem loops. This leader mRNA also includes a section encoding a leader peptide of 14 amino acids.  Leader peptide contains two adjacent tryptophan (trp) molecules. 

If tryptophan is present, the sensor peptide is easily made and the trp mRNA is NOT made.

If tryptophan is scarce, the leader peptide is not made and the full operon is transcribed then translated into tryptophan synthetic enzymes.

  • The leader sequence immediately 5' of the trpE gene controls the expression of the operon through a process called attenuation.
  • This sequence has four domains (1-4) capable of base pairing in various combinations to form hairpin structures.
  • Attenuation depends upon the ability of regions 1 and 2 and regions 3 and 4 of the trp leader sequence to base pair and form hairpin secondary structures
  • Domain 3 of the mRNA can base pair with either domain 2 or domain 4.
  • A part of the leader mRNA containing regions 3 and 4 and a string of eight U's is called the attenuator.  The region 3+4 hairpin structure acts as a transcription termination signal; as soon as it forms, the RNA and the RNA polymerase are released from the DNA.
  • Two adjacent tryptophan (trp) codons within the leader mRNA sequence are essential in the operon's regulation. The speed with which the ribosome travels along the trp transcript depends on the availability of trp.

During periods of tryptophan scarcity,

  •       A ribosome translating the coding sequence for the leader peptide may stall when it encounters the two tryptophan (trp) codons because of the shortage of tryptophan-carrying tRNA molecules.
  •      Because a stalled ribosome at this site blocks region 1, a region 1+2 hairpin cannot form and region 2+3 hairpin is formed.
  •      The region 2+3 base pairing prevents formation of the region 3+4 transcription termination hairpin and therefore RNA polymerase can move on to transcribe the entire operon to produce enzymes that will synthesize tryptophan.

When tryptophan is readily available,

  •       A ribosome can complete translation of the leader peptide without stalling.
  •       As it pauses at the stop codon, it blocks region 2, preventing it from base pairing.
  •       As a result, the region 3+4 structure forms and terminates transcription near the end of the leader sequence and the structural genes of the operon are not transcribed (nor translated).

This is example of a "riboswitch", a mechanism which can control transcription and translation through interactions of molecules with in an mRNA



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