Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Agrobiodiversity and Loss of agrobiodiversity

 Agrobiodiversity and Loss of agrobiodiversity

Agrobiodiversity is the component of biodiversity that contributes to food and agriculture production. It is a vital subset of general biodiversity and forms the basis of food security and livelihood security of billions of people.

Agricultural biodiversity or agrobiodiversity is the genetic resources for food and agriculture.  It includes animals, plants, and microorganisms used directly or indirectly for food and agriculture.  It includes the following:

·         Crop varieties, breeds of livestock, fish species, and various wild species within field, forest, rangeland and aquatic ecosystems

·         Non-harvested species such as soil microbiota and pollinators, and other species in the wider environment.

This agricultural biodiversity is the product of the application of the knowledge and skills used by women and men to develop agriculture, livestock production and aquaculture.  It is known that some 7,000 species of plants and hundreds of animal species and thousands of aquatic plants are edible, still human societies have focused on only a few species to feed themselves. Only about 100 crops, a handful of grasses and a dozen animal species are considered to be essential for feeding the world. Just four crops provide more than half the dietary energy for the whole world’s population — maize, potatoes, rice and wheat. 

This dependence on a few species as a food source is a potentially dangerous strategy, since there is high risk from pest or disease epidemics and climate change. Fortunately, our resourceful indigenous peoples, farmers, forest dwellers, pastoralists and fisher-folk have developed a myriad of varieties of every crop, breeds of livestock and sub-species of fish and other aquatic organisms. Thus these species are available adapted to survive different ecosystems, climates and pest and disease threats. By developing, selecting and improving local varieties and livestock breeds, swapping and sharing seeds and animals amongst themselves, agricultural biodiversity has been maintained.

The exchange of seeds and breeds across the world has resulted in a vast number of locally adapted varieties and breeds. Maize, which originated in Mexico, is a staple crop in Africa and Asia, America and Europe.  Apples originated in the Himalayas and there are varieties suited in all temperate regions of the world. Rice came from S E Asia, potatoes from Peru, and are cultivated throughout world.

The biosphere is dependent on agricultural biodiversity. For every crop variety, livestock breed or aquatic organism growing on a farm or pasture or in ponds, there are thousands of other species on which it depends — other plants, animals, insects, pollinators, predators and soil biota (fungi, bacteria, soil insects, worms). In one teaspoon of healthy soil there are estimated to be more than 100 million soil organisms of some 50,000 different species, each with its specific functions and niches. Pollinators, including bees, provide the fertilization possible. All of these are interdependent life-support systems that sustain local ecosystems.  These ecosystems provide a productive environment, clean water, healthy top-soils, living landscapes, clean air and act as a sink for excess carbon dioxide.

Agroecosystems are determined by three factors: the genetic resources, the physical environment and the human management practices. The interaction between these factors determines the evolutionary process and eventually results in genetic material that is well adapted to local abiotic and biotic environmental variation.

Agricultural biodiversity provides the important raw material for improving the quality of crops, livestock, and fish. It will create opportunities for entrepreneurship from a whole range of value-added foods, medicines, nutraceuticals, biofuel, and other sources. On a global scale, nearly 2.5 billion people depend directly on wild and traditionally cultivated plant species to meet their daily needs.

Loss of Agrobiodiversity

For over 12 000 years, agricultural activities played an important role in sustaining and strengthening food, nutrition, health, and livelihood security.  Now, agrobiodiversity is under threat by the globalization of food, intellectual property systems and industrial food production.  Agricultural biodiversity is disappearing and the scale of loss is extensive. With the disappearance of harvested species, a wide range of unharvested species also decline or disappear.

The genetic erosion of agricultural biodiversity is also intensified by the loss of forest cover, coastal wetlands, and other wild uncultivated areas, and by the destruction of the aquatic environment. This leads to losses of wild relatives which are important for the development of biodiversity.

There are many causes for declining Agrobiodiversity and the principal underlying causes are the following:

·         The rapid expansion of industrial and Green Revolution agriculture, intensive livestock production, and industrial fisheries and aquaculture.

·         Globalization of the food system and marketing and the industrial patenting and intellectual property systems of living organisms.

These has led to the widespread cultivation and rearing of fewer varieties and breeds for a more uniform and less diverse, but more competitive, global market.

Genetic erosion is the loss of genetic diversity and include the loss of individual genes and combinations of genes.  The main cause of genetic erosion in crops is the replacement of local varieties by improved or exotic varieties and species. As old varieties in farmers’ fields are replaced by newer ones, genetic erosion frequently occurs because the genes and gene complexes found in the diverse farmers’ varieties are not contained in the modern variety. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimate that more than 90 per cent of crop varieties have disappeared from farmers’ fields in the past 100 years. Agricultural plant varieties are continuing to disappear at 2 per cent a year. Livestock breeds are being lost at 5 per cent annually.

Genetic Engineering or Genetic modification is a threat to both the genetic integrity of agricultural biodiversity and its ownership.

·         The location of an inserted gene, the impact of modification of the genome and the impact and location of promoters is unknown in most cases and could have long-term deleterious effects.

·         The genetically modified organisms (GMOs) may produce unexpected proteins that could cause allergies in humans

·         The impacts GMOs may have on other living organisms and the environment are unpredictable.

·         The resultant gene constructs could spread through the biosphere by way of horizontal gene transfer, through seeds, pollen, soil micro-organisms and so on, with unknown consequences.

The seven principal GM crops grown in 1998 were soybean, maize, cotton, canola (rapeseed), potato, squash, and papaya.

Genetic Patents - The insertion of patented genes into plants and animals, using genetic engineering technologies, transfers ownership of those plants and animals to the gene’s patent holders.  This will result in privatization of the variety through patents and other intellectual property rights.

Terminator Technologies - Threats also arise from the development of Terminator Technologies. This involves a GMO having Genetic Use Restriction Technologies (GURTs), that limit a plant’s ability to produce certain traits. The most dramatic of these is the variant that prevents germination of seeds produced by a plant. This result in greater dependence on formal seed markets by the farmers.

Agricultural biodiversity was developed through the free exchange of seeds and other genetic resources and is better conserved and utilized through common access arrangements and the realization of community, farmers’ and traditional rights.\


  • Emerging Consequences of Biotechnology - Biodiversity Loss and IPR Issues, Krishna Dronamaju, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.

  • Biosphere - Ecosystems and Biodiversity Loss, Dana Desonie, Chelsea House

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