Thursday, April 8, 2021

Cell Cycle and Checkpoints

Cell Cycle

The cell cycle or cell-division cycle is the series of events by which a cell divide into two daughter cells. These events include duplication of DNA and organelles and partitioning into two daughter cells. 

Prokaryotic Cell Cycle

Cells, whether prokaryotic or eukaryotic, eventually reproduce or die.  For prokaryotes, the mechanism of reproduction is relatively simple, since there are no internal organelles. The cell cycle is divided into the B, C, and D periods. The B period starts from the end of cell division to the beginning of DNA replication.  This is the growth phase in which the mass of the cell is increased. DNA replication occurs during the C period. The D period starts from the end of DNA replication and is up to the splitting of the bacterial cell into two daughter cells. The length of the overall cell cycle is determined by the B period, as the C and D periods have relatively fixed time constraints.  The length of B is determined mainly by environmental conditions and the gain in cell mass.  Generation times for bacteria can vary from under half an hour to several days.

Eukaryotic Cell Cycle

In eukaryotic cells, the cell cycle is divided into two main stages: interphase and the mitotic (M) phase. During interphase, the cell grows and accumulates nutrients needed for mitosis, and replicates its DNA and some of its organelles. During the mitotic phase, the replicated chromosomes, organelles, and cytoplasm separate into two new daughter cells. To ensure the proper replication of cellular components, there are control mechanisms known as cell cycle checkpoints in the cell cycle.  These checkpoints determine if the cell can progress to the next phase. Checkpoints prevent cell cycle progression at specific points, allowing verification of necessary phase processes and repair of DNA damage. The cell cannot proceed to the next phase until checkpoint requirements are met. Checkpoints typically consist of a network of regulatory proteins that monitor and dictate the progression of the cell through the cell cycle.

Actively dividing eukaryote cells pass through a series of stages in the cell cycle: two gap phases (G1 and G2); an S (synthesis) phase, in which the genetic material is duplicated; and an M phase, in which mitosis partitions the genetic material and the cell divides.

Immediately following mitosis, the newly created cells are in the G1 phase. This is largely a growth phase, during which there is a lot of biosynthesis of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.  There is no synthesis of new DNA at this time. G1 is the longest of the cell cycle phases in many cell types, and most of the physiological activity of a cell happens during G1.

Following G1, the next phase of the cell cycle is the S phase, during which synthesis of new DNA occurs. The genome is being replicated during this phase.  At the end of S phase, the cell has twice the normal amount of DNA.

After S phase, the cell proceeds into G2, which provides an opportunity for the cell to perform a self-assessment and make final preparations (such as more cell growth, repairing of DNA, etc) as necessary before it finally heads into mitosis.

Mitosis, or M phase, is primarily

(1) Breakdown of the nucleus

(2) Re-distribution of the DNA to opposite sides of the cell

(3) Formation of two new nuclei around that DNA, and

(4) Cytokinesis, the final splitting of the cell into two.

·                  G1 phase. Metabolic changes prepare the cell for division. At a certain point - the restriction point - the cell is committed to division and moves into the S phase.

·                  S phase. DNA synthesis replicates the genetic material. Each chromosome now consists of two sister chromatids.

·                  G2 phase. Metabolic changes assemble the cytoplasmic materials necessary for mitosis and cytokinesis.

·                  M phase. A nuclear division (mitosis) followed by a cell division (cytokinesis).

The period between mitotic divisions - that is, G1, S and G2 - is known as interphase.

As the cell progresses through the various phases of cell cycle, it is through a specific and controlled manner, with checkpoints.  These checkpoints “ask” if the cell is ready for the next step: is it large enough, is the DNA healthy- without any damage, etc. As a result, the cell ensures that it generate healthy daughter cells.  If the cell cycle runs too rapidly without the checkpoints, then there will not be enough time for the cell to enlarge, to make up enough cellular organelles, etc and that may lead to abnormally small daughter cells that fail to survive. Likewise, if a cell undergoes mitosis without identifying and repairing damaged or mutated DNA, then the daughter cells may turn into a cancerous cell. So it is very much necessary that the cell cycle is governed by the check points. 

Cell cycle check points ensure that

  • The nuclear genome is intact and is without any damage
  • The conditions are appropriate to divide, there are enough nutrients for the daughter cells
  • The genetic material is divided only once in a cell cycle and is completely replicated
  • No damages or mutations in the daughter chromosomes, if there are mutations, will be repaired by repair enzymes
  • Chromosomes are correctly aligned and oriented during metaphase and are correctly attached to spindle fibers

The cell cycle is controlled at three checkpoints. The integrity of the DNA is assessed at the G1 checkpoint. Proper chromosome duplication is assessed at the G2 checkpoint. Attachment of each kinetochore to a spindle fiber is assessed at the M checkpoint.  All the major checkpoint transitions in the cell cycle is signaled by cyclins and cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs). Cyclins are cell-signaling molecules that regulate the cell cycle.

The G1 checkpoint

This is DNA damage checkpoint.  This first checkpoint regulates the transition from G1 to S phase.  The G1 phase is the state of a cell immediately following cytokinesis, and is usually very long.  The length of G1 is generally constant for a given cell type under normal conditions, but it vary greatly between different cell types.  Cell which will no longer divide, are in G1 until they die, and this continuous G1-like state is referred to as G0.  

The G1 checkpoint determines whether conditions are favorable for cell division to proceed. This checkpoint is also known as the restriction point in yeast.  During this point the cell irreversibly commits to cell division. The cell will pass this checkpoint only if it has an appropriate size and has favorable extracellular environment and the cell also checks for DNA damage. The extracellular environment includes nutrient availability or predatory threats and an external trigger such as a mitogenic hormone or paracrine signal. Nearly all normal animal cells require an extracellular signal to progress through the G1 checkpoint.

If a cell does not meet these requirements, it will not progress to S phase. The cell will be halted in the cycle and attempt to remedy the problematic conditions.

If a cell meets the requirements for G1 checkpoint, it will enter S phase and begin DNA replication.

The G2 checkpoint

This is DNA replication checkpoint. This second checkpoint regulates entry of the into mitosis.  This is triggered by MPF (Maturation Promoting Factor or M-phase Promoting Factor) which is a cyclin-Cdk complex. It promotes mitosis by phosphorylating a variety of other protein kinases.

Here also as with the G1 checkpoint, cell size and protein/ energy reserves are assessed.  The most important role of this checkpoint is to ensure that all of the chromosomes are accurately replicated without any mistake or damage.

If the checkpoint mechanisms detect problems with DNA, this checkpoint hold the cell in G2 a little longer, the cell cycle is halted and the cell attempts to either complete DNA replication or repair the damaged DNA.

If no problems are detected with DNA, cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs) signal the beginning of mitotic cell division.  Most of the metabolic activity of the cell is shut down, and cell concentrates its resources on dividing the nuclear and cellular materials. 

The M checkpoint

This is the third checkpoint and occurs during mitosis, near the end of the metaphase stage of mitosis.  This regulates the transition from metaphase into anaphase.  It ensures that ail the chromosomes are properly attached to the spindle at the metaphase plate before anaphase. After attachment of all kinetochores, the anaphase promoting complex (APC) is activated, triggering breakdown of cyclin and inactivation of proteins holding sister chromatids together, and they split apart and move to opposite poles.

The M checkpoint is also known as the spindle checkpoint because it determines whether all the sister chromatids are correctly attached to spindle microtubules. The cycle will not proceed until the kinetochores of each pair of sister chromatids are firmly anchored to at least two spindle fibers arising from opposite poles of the cell.  This is very important since the sister chromatids should be perfectly lined up at metaphase, split apart and moved to opposite poles to form the new daughter nuclei.  If they do not split evenly, the daughter cells will have abnormal numbers of chromosomes (aneuploidy) and it leads to deleterious consequences.  Thus M Checkpoint prevents cells from incorrectly sorting their chromosomes during division.

Importance of Cell cycle checkpoints

  • Checkpoints delay cell division until the problems are fixed and solved
  • Checkpoints prevent cell division if the problems cannot be solved
  • Induce apoptosis if the problems are severe and cannot be repaired
  • Accurately maintain the genome of the organism
  • Ensures that only one round of replication per cell cycle
  • If checkpoints are not working properly due to mutations, will lead to cancerous growth of the cell

Regulatory Molecules of the Cell Cycle

There are regulatory molecules which either promote progress of the cell to the next phase (positive regulation) or halt the cycle (negative regulation). Regulator molecules may act individually or they can influence the activity or production of other regulatory proteins.

Positive Regulation of the Cell Cycle

Two groups of proteins, called cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks), are responsible for the progress of the cell through the various checkpoints. The cyclins are proteins that regulate progression through the cell cycle. Cyclins regulate the cell cycle when they are bound to respective cdk.  To be fully active the cdk/cyclin complex must be phosphorylated, then they phosphorylate other proteins that functions in the cell cycle.

The levels of the four cyclin proteins, Cyclin D, E, A and B, fluctuate throughout the cell cycle. Increases in cyclin proteins are triggered by external and internal signals and once the cell moves to the next stage of the cell cycle, the cyclins that were active in the previous stage are degraded. There is a direct correlation between cyclin accumulation and the three major cell cycle checkpoints.

Although the cyclins are the main regulatory molecules that positively regulate cell cycle, there are several other mechanisms to fine tune the cycle. These mechanisms block the progression of the cell cycle until problem condition is solved. Molecules that prevent the activation of cdks are called cdk inhibitors which directly or indirectly monitor a particular cell cycle event. They block cdks until the specific event/error being monitored is completed/repaired.

Cell cycle stage





Cyclin D

cdk 4 & 6

React to outside signals such as growth factors or mitogens


Cyclins E

cdk 2

Regulate centrosome duplication


Cyclins A

cdk 2

Targets helicases and polymerases


Cyclins B

cdk 1

Regulate G2/M checkpoint

Negative Regulation of the Cell Cycle

The second group of cell cycle regulatory molecules are negative regulators. Negative regulators halt the cell cycle. Examples of negative regulatory molecules are retinoblastoma protein (Rb), p53, and p21.

Rb, p53, and p21 act primarily at the G1 checkpoint. p53 is a multi-functional protein, it acts when there is damaged DNA during G1. If damaged DNA is detected, p53 halts the cell cycle and recruits enzymes to repair the DNA. If the DNA cannot be repaired, p53 can trigger apoptosis. The protein p53 blocks the activity of Cdks and has been dubbed as ‘Watchman’ or ‘guardian’ because DNA damage is sensed by it.

As p53 levels rise, the production of p21 is triggered. p21 enforces the halt in the cycle by binding to and inhibiting the activity of the Cdk/cyclin complexes. As a result, cell will not move into the S phase.

Rb monitors cell size. In the active, dephosphorylated state, Rb binds transcription factors, E2F. When Rb is bound to E2F, production of proteins necessary for the G1/S transition is blocked. As the cell increases in size, Rb is slowly phosphorylated and becomes inactivated and releases E2F.  E2F can now turn on the gene that produces the transition protein and the G1/S transition block is removed.

For the cell to move past each of the cell cycle checkpoints, all positive regulators must be “turned on” and all negative regulators must be “turned off.”




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