Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Virus Cultivation and Quantitation

Virus Cultivation and Quantitation

Viruses are obligate intracellular parasite.  They depend totally on their host cells for existence. They can be cultivated within suitable living hosts/ cell only. Viruses are cultivated using tissue cultures, embryonated eggs, bacterial cultures, and other living hosts. Thus animal viruses are cultivated or grown in the laboratory using embryonated eggs, tissue culture or by using laboratory animals. To cultivate bacteriophages, bacterial culture is used as the host and for plant viruses, plant tissue culture or whole plants are used.

Virus cultivation is essential to get sufficient amount of virus particles for the following applications

·         For conducting studies on virus and their host interactions and diseases

·         For studying the effectiveness of antiviral drugs

·         For use as gene vectors in gene therapy

·         Viral pesticide production

·         For vaccine production

Since viruses are host dependent, it is not possible to cultivate them solely in presence of organic or inorganic nutrient medium. They can be grown only if living cells and tissues are used as culture medium. These tissues and cells would act as the host for the virus in laboratory conditions. For this purpose, the relevant cells or tissues must be cultivated first.

Cultivation of Bacterial viruses

Bacterial viruses or bacteriophages are cultivated in either broth or agar cultures of actively growing host bacterial cells.

In broth culture, due to the destruction of host cells due to viral multiplication the turbid bacterial cultures will clear rapidly. If bacteriophage is not lytic, bacteria grow luxuriously on culture medium and there will not be any clearance of turbidity.

Agar cultures are prepared by mixing the bacteriophage sample with cool, liquid nutrient media and a suitable bacterial culture and pouring into a sterile petri dish.  After solidification of media, the plates will be incubated.  During incubation, bacteria grow and reproduce to form a continuous, opaque layer or lawn growth.  A virus coming in contact with a bacterial cell infects it and reproduce, the progeny virus infects the adjacent cells and reproduces and eventually, there will be a zone where bacterial lysis occurred and a plaque or clearing in the lawn can be observed. The appearance of plaque is characteristic of the particular phage.

Each plaque is assumed to come from a single viral particle. The titer of the virus is given in plaque forming units or PFU.  PFU could be measured using the plaque assay for bacteriophage quantitation.

The plaque method: Serial dilutions of Virus suspension, bacteria, and agar mixed, plated and incubated in a suitable nutrient medium that allows the growth of the bacteria. During incubation, the bacteria multiply, and during the replication the virus lyses the bacteria, forming plaques, or clear zones. Each plaque is assumed to come from a single viral particle. The titer of the virus is given in plaque forming units.

Cultivation of Plant Viruses: There are several methods of cultivation of viruses such as plant tissue cultures, cultures of separated cells, or cultures of protoplasts, etc. Viruses also can be grown in whole plants.

Leaves are mechanically inoculated by rubbing with a mixture of viruses and an abrasive such as carborundum. When the cell wall is broken by the abrasive, the viruses directly contact the plasma membrane and infect the exposed host cells. A localized necrotic lesion often develops due to the rapid death of cells in the infected area. Even when lesions do not arise, the infected plant may show symptoms such as change in pigmentation or leaf shape. Some plant viruses can be transmitted only if a diseased part is grafted onto a healthy plant.

Cultivation of animal viruses

Viruses cannot replicate in synthetic media and require living cells for their growth.

The living systems that are commonly used for cultivation of animal viruses are

i) Inoculation into animals, ii) Embryonated Eggs and iii) Cell Culture

Whatever system is adopted for cultivation of viruses, it should be free from bacteriological contamination. This can be achieved by passing the suspension through membrane filters (0.2 µm) or by treatment with antibiotics e.g.  Penicillin, streptomycin, etc.

The process of viral replication destroys the infected living cells and may result in formation of disease lesions or other abnormalities in the tissues.

I) Inoculation into animals:

The earliest method for cultivation of viruses causing human diseases was inoculation into human volunteers. Reed and his colleagues (1900) used human volunteers for their work on yellow fever. Due to serious risk involved, human volunteers are involved only when no other method is available and the virus is relatively harmless.

Monkeys were used for the isolation of Poliovirus by Handsteiner and popper in 1909. Due to their cost, and risk to handlers, they have limitations. Mice are most widely used animals in virology. Infant mice are very susceptible to Coxsackie’s and arboviruses. Mice can be inoculated through several routes i.e. intracerebral, subcutaneous, intraperitonial, intranasal, etc. Other animals such as guinea rabbits, ferrets, birds such as chicken etc are also used. They should be germ-free and are termed as SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) birds and animals. The growth of virus in inoculated animals is indicated by death, disease or visible lesions.

Experimentally inoculated/infected animals are examined daily for;

i) Clinical signs of disease, respiratory distress, CNS involvement, and visible lesions on skin and membranes.

ii) Abnormal behaviour of the animal

iii) Blood samples are taken daily for antibodies titer determination.

iv) Death of the animal

Biopsy material or tissue specimens should be examined for;

                                i.            Microscopically for lesions (Cytopathic effects)

                              ii.            Histopathologically for pathological changes

                            iii.            Serologically for presence of specific viral antigens by, e.g.  gel diffusion, CFT etc.

                            iv.            By electron microscope, for identification of viral particles

Animal inoculation has a disadvantage that immunity may interfere with viral growth and that animals often harbor latent viruses.

II) Embryonated eggs:

The Embryonated hen’s egg was first used for cultivation of viruses by Good Pasteur and Burnet (1931).   Since the early 1950 the Embryonated hen’s eggs have been used widely for cultivation of animal viruses. Embryonated egg does not support the growth of all animal viruses but most of the avian viruses grow.

The eggs should be free from any kind of germ and thus SPF-Eggs laid by SPF-birds are used

This is the most suitable means for primary isolation and identification and production of viral vaccines.  The major advantages of embryonated eggs over other systems are;

                                i.            Easily available, economical and convenient to handle.

                              ii.            Relatively free from bacterial and many latent viral infections.

                            iii.            Generally free from immune mechanisms.

The developing chick embryo, 10 to 14 days after fertilization, provides a variety of differentiated tissues, including the amnion, allantois, chorion, and yolk sac, which serve as substrates for growth of a wide variety of viruses, including orthomyxoviruses, paramyxoviruses, rhabdoviruses, togaviruses, herpesviruses, and poxviruses.

To prepare the egg for virus cultivation, the shell surface is first disinfected with iodine and penetrated with a small sterile drill. After inoculation, the drill hole is sealed with gelatin and the egg incubated. Viruses may be able to reproduce only in certain parts of the embryo; consequently they must be injected into the proper region. For example, the myxoma virus grows well on the chorioallantoic membrane, whereas the mumps virus prefers the allantoic cavity. The infection may produce a local tissue lesion known as a pock, whose appearance often is characteristic of the virus.

The sites for the cultivation of viruses in embryonated egg:

1) Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM): CAM is inoculated mainly for growing poxvirus and Herpes simplex virus. Virus replication produces visible lesions, grey white area in transparent CAM. Pocks produced by different virus have different morphology. Each pock is derived from a single virion. Pock counting, therefore can be used for the assay of pock forming virus such as vaccinia.

2) Allantoic cavity: Inoculation into the allantoic cavity provides a rich yield of influenza and some paramyxoviruses. Duck eggs are bigger and were used for the preparation of the inactivated non-neural rabies vaccines.

3) Amniotic cavity: The amniotic sac is mainly inoculated for primary isolation of influenza a virus and the mumps virus.

4) Yolk sac: It is inoculated for the cultivation of some viruses as well as for some bacteria like Chlamydiae and Rickettsiae.

The presence of viral growth may be identified in embryonated egg by; 

1. Death of the embryo (Toga virus)

2. Deformities such as dwarf growth (IB-virus)

3. Hemorrhages (ND-virus)

4. Oedema and pock lesions on CAM (Cow pox, Herpes B-virus)

5. Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies (Herpes virus)

III) Tissue culture:

Cell culture (earlier called tissue culture) is the most widely used method for cultivation of viruses. Cell culture allows the primary isolation of viruses, performance of infectivity assays and biochemical studies and the production of viral vaccines.

The main advantages of cell culture method over the other two systems are;

1. Growth of most viruses can be detected easily in cell culture.

2. Viruses can be grown in bulk.

3. Cells can be stored for longer period of time.

Disadvantages are

1. Requirement of good laboratory facility.

2. More costly as compared to the embryonated eggs.

3. There are chances for the presence of latent viruses in the cultured cells.

There are three types of tissue cultures:

1) Organ culture: Small bits of organs can be maintained in vitro for days and weeks. Organ culture is useful for the isolation of some viruses which appear to be highly specialized parasites of certain organs.

Example: Tracheal ring organ culture is employed for the isolation of corona virus, a respiratory pathogen.

2) Explant culture: Fragments of minced tissues can be grown as explants embedded in plasma clots. They may also be cultivated in suspension.

Example: Adenoid tissue explant culture was used for the isolation of adenovirus.

3) Cell culture: The cell culture is the method routinely employed nowadays for identification and cultivation of viruses.


·         To obtain a primary cell culture, tissue or organs preferably from embryonic or infant (e.g. chicken embryo, embryonic liver) are cut up in small fragments.

·         These fragments are mixed with Trypsin, which will dissolve the connective tissue and thus cells becomes separated. This step is called as trypsinization.

·         The washed suspended cells are then cultivated in a suitable growth medium in a flat bottomed tissue culture flask. The essential constituents of growth medium are essential amino acids, vitamins, salts and glucose and a buffering system and about 5% calf or fetal calf serum. Antibiotics are added to prevent bacterial contaminants and phenol red as indicator. Such media will allow most cell types to multiply with a division time of 24-48 hrs in a CO2 incubator at 37oC. 

·         After a period of time, the cells attach to the bottom of the flask and start dividing until a monolayer is formed. This kind of cell culturing is known primary cell culture.

·         The inoculum suspected to contain a particular virus type is inoculated and allowed to absorb on the cell monolayer.

·         Add an adequate amount of maintenance medium and incubate the flask at 37oC.

Types of cell cultures:

On the basis of origin, chromosomal characters, and the number of generations through which they can be maintained, cell cultures are classified in three types.

1) Primary cell culture:

These are normal cells obtained from fresh organs of animals and cultured. Once the cells get attached to the vessel surface, they undergo mitosis until a confluent monolayer of cells covers the surface. These layers are capable of limited growth in culture and cannot be maintained in serial culture. They are commonly employed for primary isolation of viruses and in preparation of vaccine. Primary cell cultures are generally best for viral isolation.

Examples: Rhesus monkey kidney cell culture, Human amnion cell culture.

2) Diploid cell culture:

It is also called as semi continuous cell lines. These are cultures derived from primary cell cultures. These are cells of single type that retrain the original diploid chromosome number and karyotype during serial sub cultivation for a limited period of time. There is rapid growth rate and after 50 serial subcultures, they undergo senescence and the cell strain is lost. The diploid cell strains are susceptible to a wide range of human viruses. They are also used for isolation of some fastidious viruses and production of virus vaccines,

Examples: Human embryonic lung strain (WI-38) and Rhesus embryo cell strain (HL-8)

3) Continuous cell culture:

These are cells of a single type, usually derived from the cancer cells that are capable of continuous serial cultivations indefinitely. These cells grow faster and their chromosomes are haploid. They are also called as permanent cell lines. Permanent cell lines derived from a single separated cell are called as clones. One common example of such clone is HeLa strain derived from cervical cancer of a lady named HeLa. Continuous cell lines are maintained either by serial subculture or by storing in deep freeze at -70°c.

Examples: Vero i.e. Vervet monkey kidney cell line, BHK, i.e. Baby Hamster kidney cell line.

Most animal cells are anchorage dependent and thus surfaces of glass, plastics, natural polymers such as collagen, or other support materials are used.  In lab scale, T- flasks, spinner bottles, roller bottles and trays containing shallow liquid cultures are used for cell culture.

Large scale reactors for animal cell culture includes microcarrier systems, hollow fiber reactors, ceramic matrix systems, weighted porous beads, etc. for anchorage dependent cells and Stirred tank reactors and bubble column reactors and perfusion bioreactors for suspension cultures.

1) Roller bottles: Bottles are rotated about the long axis with the cells adhered to its sides. They are therefore dipped in the medium and are aerated alternatively.

2) Microcarriers of DEAE or dextran are used for anchorage dependent cells. Cells grow on the surface of the microcarriers, usually in the form of monolayers and sometimes as multilayers. Microporous microcarriers are also used in which cells grow inside them.

3) Hollow fiber reactors are used to provide a high growth surface- volume ratio. Cells are immobilized on the external surfaces of hollow fibres, and nutrients pass through the tubes.

4) Other immobilization based reactors: Tubular ceramic matrix reactors, microencapsulation in spherical membranes and gel encapsulation

Detection of virus growth in cell cultures

  1. Cytopathic effects (CPE) – morphological changes in cultured cells, seen under microscope.  The degenerative changes of cells that are linked with the multiplication of certain viruses are known as the cytopathic effect (CPE).  The characteristics of cytopathic effect produced on different cell culture can be used to identify viral infection. Common examples are rounding of the infected cell, fusion with adjacent cells to form a syncytia and the appearance of nuclear or cytoplasmic inclusion bodies. Inclusion bodies may represent either altered host cell structures or accumulations of viral components.

Cytopathic effects (CPE)                                               Formation of syncytia


  1. Metabolic Inhibition – no acid production in presence of virus
  2. Hemadsorption – influenza & parainfluenza viruses, by adding guinea pig erythrocytes to the culture
  1. Interference – growth of a non cytopathogenic virus can be tested by inoculating a known cytopathogenic virus: growth of first virus will inhibit the infection by second
  2. Transformation – oncogenic viruses induce transformation & loss of contact inhibition - microtumors
  3. Immunofluorescence – test for viral Ag in cells from viral infected cultures.

 Assays for viral infectivity

This could be done by either of two methods, by assaying the Infectivity (plaque assay) or by Physical measurement of virus particles and their components (Hemagglutination, Electron microscopy, Viral enzymes, Serology, Nucleic acids).

Two types of assays are used to determine the viral infectivity primarily in cell cultures and occasionally in other systems.

 i)   Quantitative assays

 ii) Quantal assays are used

Quantitative assays: actual no. of infectious particle in an inoculum

These assays quantify the number of virus particles in an inoculum. The commonly used assay in cell culture is Plaque Assay or Pock Assay.

Quantification of viruses

The quantification of viruses in a sample/suspension is important for diagnosis and for experimental purposes for vaccine preparation, virus cultivation etc.

Methods of Quantification

The methods of quantification are divided into two categories;

i. Physical Method

ii. Biological Method

I. Physical method

In this method, electron microscope is used for quantification.

Electron Microscopy

Through EM, besides the size and shape of viruses, we can quantify/count the viral particles.

·                  Mix known no. of latex beads with the diluted purified virus suspension.

·                  Put this suspension on the copper grid/mesh of the microscope.

·                  Examine it under microscope and count the particles in a specific area.

·                  Find a ratio between the latex beads and virus particles being seen under microscope.

If we know the number of latex beads per ml of the suspension then the number of virus particles can be calculated.  The counted virus particles can be expressed as No. of virus particles/ml.


Electron Microscope - Immune Electron Microscopy.

Light microscope – Inclusion bodies. eg Negri Body in Rabies

Fluorescent Microscope -Fluorescent antibody technique.

II. Biological method

This method includes a number of important techniques used for quantification of viruses.

Plaque Assay: Purified virus suspension is inoculated on the monolayer cell culture in vitro. For bacteriophages, bacterial colonies are used for culturing process.

·         Make serially diluted suspension of bacteriophage or virus

·         Make a lawn culture of bacteria or a monolayer cell culture

·         Add the serially diluted virus suspension into it and incubate

·         Examine for plaque formation and count the plaques formed.

Virus particles = Plaque number X reciprocal of dilution or dilution factor X reciprocal of volume in ml.

Plaques are clear zones that develop on lawns of host cells. 

This method is also now used for animal virus quantitation by a modification (In 1952 by Renato Dulbecco, Nobel Prize, 1975), where monolayer cultures of cells were used instead of bacterial lawn.  After addition of virus suspension, an agar overlay is done.  The plaques could be observed after staining the cell monolayer after incubation for appropriate time. 

Pock Assay: In this technique, pock lesions formed on the chorio allantoic membrane (CAM) of chicken embryos are counted. The counted pocks can be expressed as Pock FU/ml. (Pock FU stands for Pock Forming Units).

There are several serological and immunological methods

Haemagglutination Assay

Many viruses have the property to bind to erythrocytes (RBCs) of different species through complementary receptor sites on the erythrocyte surface. A quantitation of viruses based on this is known as haemagglutination assay (HA). Haemagglutination is a particular form a agglutination which involves the participation of red blood cells (RBC).

A type of lattice will be formed by red blood cells when virus with surface or enveloped proteins stick to human or animal red blood cells and bind to its N-acetylneuraminic acid. The clump formation/haemagglutination ability of a virus is known as HA titre.

Greater the ability of clump formation ---- Stronger will be the virus.

Lower the ability of clump formation ------ Weaker will be the virus.

This method is relatively fast and easy and large amounts of samples could analyzed.

Virus neutralization assay

This is a method in which antibodies are added to a virus preparation, and the infectivity of this preparation is measured using cells. Antibodies produced against any virus will have the ability to interfere with the interaction between the virus and its host cell receptor.  Such antibodies will have the ability to neutralize the infectivity of the virus.


This is a method in which antibodies are used to detect viral proteins in infected tissues or cells.

Immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation

These methods allow detection of specific viral proteins in lysates from infected tissues or cells.

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

ELISA allow the detection of viral antigen using a specific antibody

Nucleic acid detection

Methods for the detection of viral nucleic acids in clinical and laboratory specimens include Southern blot analysis, in situ hybridization, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the use of gene arrays.

 Quantal assays - presence or absence of infectious viruses

These assays do not count the number of infectious virus particles present in an inoculum.

Serial dilution of a virus inoculum is made and is inoculated into tubes containing cell monolayer. After incubation, the incubated tubes are examined for virus infection i.e. by looking to the changes (e.g. CPE) in the inoculated cells, the titre of the inoculum is determined.

The infectivity of virus is expressed as the 50% lethal dose, the dose required to infect and kill 50% inoculated cells.

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