Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sterilization in Fermentation

Sterilization in Fermentation

If the fermentation is invaded by a foreign microorganism, then the following consequences may occur:

1.      The medium would have to support the growth of both the production organism and the contaminant, resulting in a loss of productivity.

2.      If the fermentation is a continuous one then the contaminant may 'outgrow' the production organism and displace it from the fermentation.

3.      The foreign organism may contaminate the final product

4.      The contaminant may produce compounds which make extraction of the final product difficult.

5.      The contaminant may degrade the desired product, e.g. the degradation of Beta lactam antibiotics by Beta lactamase-producing bacteria.

6.      Contamination of a bacterial fermentation with phage result in the lysis of the culture.

The problem of contamination may be prevented by:

1.      Using a pure inoculum to start the fermentation

2.      Sterilizing the medium to be employed.

3.      Sterilizing the fermenter vessel.

4.      Sterilizing all materials to be added to the fermentation during the process.

5.      Maintaining aseptic conditions during the fermentation.

Medium Sterilization

Media may be sterilized by filtration, radiation, ultrasonic treatment, chemical treatment or heat. Heat sterilization is generally employed. Media may be sterilized either through the batch mode or through the continuous mode.

Batch Sterilization

A batch sterilization process results in the destruction of nutrients.  So it will be designed such that the required sterility is achieved with minimum loss of nutritive quality.  The highest temperature feasible for batch sterilization is 121°C.  Exposure of medium to this temperature is kept to a minimum required time.

The batch sterilization of the medium for a fermentation may be achieved either in the fermentation vessel or in a separate mash cooker.

The major advantages of a separate medium sterilization vessel are

·         One cooker may be used to serve several fermenters and the medium may be sterilized as the fermenters are being cleaned and prepared for the next fermentation, thus saving time between fermentations.

·         The medium may be sterilized in a cooker in a more concentrated form than would be used in the fermentation and then diluted in the fermenter with sterile water prior to inoculation.

·         In some fermentations, the medium is at its most viscous during sterilization.  So the sterilization vessel will be equipped with a powerful motor and the fermenter could be equipped with a less powerful motor.

·         The fermenter would be spared the corrosion which may occur with medium at high temperature.

The major disadvantages of a separate medium sterilization vessel are

·         The cost of constructing a batch medium sterilizer is almost the same as that for the fermenter.

·         If a cooker serves a large number of fermenters complex pipework would be necessary to transport the sterile medium and the risk of contamination is high.

·         Mechanical failure in a cooker supplying medium to several fermenters will result in the whole system temporarily out of work.

Continuous sterilization

The continuous system includes a time period during which the medium is heated to the sterilization temperature, a holding time at the temperature and a cooling period to restore the medium to the fermentation temperature. The temperature of the medium is elevated in a continuous heat exchanger and is then maintained in an insulated serpentine holding coil for the holding period. The length of holding period depend on the length of the coil and the flow rate of the medium. The hot medium is cooled to the fermentation temperature using two sequential heat exchangers - the first utilizing the coming medium as the cooling source and then using cooling water.

There are two types of continuous sterilizer, the indirect heat exchanger and the direct heat exchanger (steam injector).

The indirect heat exchanger: The double-spiral type and the alternating plate type.

The Indirect double spiral heat exchanger consists of two sheets of high-grade stainless steel which is curved around a central axis to form a double spiral. The ends of the spiral are sealed by covers. Steam is passed through one spiral and medium through the other in countercurrent streams.

Advantages of the spiral heat exchanger are:

(i) The two streams of medium and cooling liquid, or medium and steam, are separated by a continuous stainless steel barrier and thus cross contamination between the two streams does not occur.

(ii) Suitable for media with suspended solids. The exchanger is self-cleaning with low risk of sedimentation.

Indirect plate heat exchangers consist of alternating plates through which countercurrent streams are circulated. The plates are separated by gaskets and there are chances of cross-contamination between the two streams. Also suspended solids in the medium may block the exchanger, so the system is useful for sterilizing completely soluble media only.

The direct heat exchanger – here the continuous steam injector injects steam directly into the unsterile media followed by a flash cooling, where the sterilized medium is cooled by passing it through an expansion valve into a vacuum chamber. The advantages of this method are

(i) Very short heating up times

(ii) suitable for media containing suspended solids

(iii) Low capital cost

(iv) Easy cleaning and maintenance

(v) High steam utilization efficiency

The disadvantages are:

(i) Foaming may occur during heating

(ii) Since the medium comes into direct contact with steam, the steam should be clean and free from any additives and there should be a condense dilution step.

Continuous sterilization -direct heat exchanger 
(Principles of Fermentaion technology, PF Stanburry, A Whittaker, SJ Hall, 1995, Butterworth Heinemann Publications)

Sterilization of the fermenter

If the medium is sterilized in a separate batch cooker, or is sterilized continuously, then the fermenter is sterilized separately. This is done by heating the jacket or coils of the fermenter with steam and sparging steam into the vessel through all entries, and allowing steam to exit slowly through the air outlet. Steam pressure is held at 15 psi for about 20 minutes.

Sterilization of the feeds

A variety of additives which are to be added to the fermentation during the process are sterilized either using the batch or the continuous sterilization process.

Sterilization of wastes

Waste biomass of microorganisms must be sterilized before disposal. Sterilization may be achieved by either batch or continuous system. After sterilization, the effluent must be cooled to below 60°C discharging it to waste.

Filter sterilization

Suspended solids are separated from a fluid during filtration by the following mechanisms,

(i) Inertial impaction - The fluid will flow through the filter through the route of least resistance while due to momentum, suspended particles tend to travel in straight lines and therefore become impacted upon the filter fibres.

(ii) Diffusion - Extremely small particles in a fluid due to Brownian motion deviate from the fluid flow pattern and become impacted upon the filter fibres.

(iii) Electrostatic attraction - Charged particles may be attracted by opposite charges on the surface of the filtration medium.

(iv) Interception - Particles larger than the filter pores are removed by direct interception.

Filters are of two types – those in which the pores in the filter are smaller than the particles which are to be removed and those in which the pores are larger than the particles which are to be removed. The first type is the absolute filter or 'fixed pore filters, which are supposed to be 100% efficient in removing micro-organisms. Second type are depth filters or non-fixed pore filters and are composed of felts, woven yarns, asbestos pads and loosely packed fibre glass. In fixed pore filters, interception is the major mechanism of filtration and non-fixed pore filters remove particles by inertial impaction, diffusion and electrostatic attraction rather than interception.

Filters should be steam sterilized before and after operation and thus the materials must be stable at high temperatures and the steam used for sterilization must be free of particulate matter. Thus the steam is prior filtered through stainless steel mesh filters rated at 1µm.

Filter sterilization of fermentation media

Media for animal-cell culture cannot be sterilized by heat since it contains heat-labile proteins. Thus, filtration is used. An ideal filtration system for the sterilization should have the following criteria:

·         The filtered medium must be free of fungal, bacterial and mycoplasma contamination.

·         There should be minimal adsorption of protein to the filter surface.

·         The filtered medium should be free of viruses and endotoxins.

Absolute filtration systems for sterilization of animal cell culture medium are available as membrane cartridges constructed from steam sterilizable hydrophilic material and they are fitted into steam sterilizable stainless steel modules.

Filter sterilization of air

Aerobic fermentations require large quantities of sterile air.  Air can be sterilized by heat treatment, but the most commonly used method is filtration.



  • Principles of Fermentaion technology, PF Stanburry, A Whittaker, SJ Hall, 1995, Butterworth Heinemann Publications
  • Industrial Microbiology, Second Edition, AH Patel, Trinity press

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