Sunday, June 21, 2020

Introduction to Preparation of report or thesis

Introduction to Preparation of report or thesis

Research means search for knowledge. Research can also be defined as scientific and systematic search for pertinent or relevant information on a specific topic. It is an art of scientific investigation, a movement from the known to the unknown or a voyage of discovery.  Research is generally an academic activity.

According to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating

hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.

It is the search for knowledge through objective and systematic method of finding solution to problem.

Research make progress in our life, inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and promotes the development of logical habits of thinking and organization.

There are different types of research such as Descriptive vs. Analytical, Applied vs. Fundamental, Quantitative vs. Qualitative, Conceptual vs. Empirical and Other Types of Research.

There are research methods and research methodology and these are entirely different from each other.  Research methods or techniques are all the methods or techniques used for conducting a research. These are the methods used by the researcher during the course of research.

Research methodology is a way of systematically solving the research problem. It is the science of studying how research can be done scientifically. The scope of research methodology is wider than research methods.  Research methodology includes not only research methods but also the logic behind the methods we use in our research study.  Research methodology explain why we are using a particular method or technique and why we are not using others.  It enables the research results to be evaluated either by the researcher himself or by others.

Any research process consists of series of actions or steps as shown in the following chart.

 All these steps are closely related and overlapping activities. The steps involved in a research process are not mutually exclusive or separate or distinct. The steps do not necessarily follow in any specific order, researcher has to be constantly anticipating the results and requirements of the current and subsequent steps. A general expected order concerning various steps in a research process are

(1) Formulating the research problem

(2) Extensive literature survey

(3) Developing the hypothesis

(4) Preparing the research design

(5) Determining sample design

(6) Collecting the data

(7) Execution of the project

(8) Analysis of data

(9) Hypothesis testing

(10) Generalizations and interpretation

(11) Preparation of the report or the thesis

In this unit, we will be discussing about the last step in the research process, that is the Preparation of the report or the thesis

This is the final stage in a research and this is the formal write-up of conclusions.  This last step is the most crucial in a research programme as it is through the report that the findings of the study and their implications are communicated to your supervisor and readers. This is the communication from the research work to be shared with the receivers or the audience.  The researcher must know them, understand their knowledge and ability to understand the message, etc.  As Burns said, ‘extremely valuable and interesting practical work may be spoiled at the last minute by a student who is not able to communicate the results easily’.  To prepare a good report understanding of research methodology is essential and the quality of the report depends upon our written communication skills and clarity of thought, ability to express thoughts in a logical and sequential manner, our knowledge base of the subject area, our experience in research writing, etc.  

A report may be in different forms, such as a thesis, textbook, research article, short review, newspaper article, poster presentations, professional lectures, etc.  In this section we will be discussing about writing of report in a thesis format.  

A report writing or thesis writing must be done with great care and the following points are to be followed

A. The layout of the report should be as follows, The preliminary pages, The main text and The end matter

1.      The preliminary pages of the report should carry title and date followed by acknowledgements and foreword. There should be a table of contents followed by a list of tables and list of graphs and charts given in the report/thesis.

2.      The main text of the report should have the following

Introduction: This is a clear statement of the objective of the research and an explanation of the methodology adopted in accomplishing the research. The scope of the study along with limitations should also be described in this section.

Summary of findings: After introduction there should be a statement of findings and recommendations in non-technical language. The findings should be given in a summarized form.

Main report: The main body of the report should be presented in logical sequence and it should be divided into readily identifiable and comprehensible sections.

Conclusion: This is the final summing up.  It should be kept towards the end of the main text, where the results of research are explained clearly and precisely.

3.      End matter comes at the end of the report.  The following are to be listed here.

·               Appendices in respect of all technical data

·               Bibliography, i.e., list of books, journals, reports, etc., referred to for the research

·               Index

B. Report should be written in a concise and objective style in simple language.

C. Charts and illustrations should be used only if they present the information more clearly

D. Calculated ‘confidence limits’ must be mentioned in the results section and the various constraints experienced in conducting research should be stated.



1.                  Research Methodology, Methods and techniques, 2nd revised edition, CR Kothari, New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers

2.                  Research Methodology in the Medical and Biological sciences, Edited by Petter Laake Haakon Breien Benestad and Bjørn Reino Olsen

3.                  Research Methodology a step-by-step guide for beginners, Ranjit Kumar, Sage Publishers

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