Saturday, June 27, 2020

Batch, Fed Batch and Continuous Fermentation

Batch, Fed Batch and Continuous Fermentation

Fermentation may be carried out as batch, continuous or fed-batch processes.  Batch growth involves a closed system where all nutrients are present at the start of the fermentation in a fixed volume. There may be further additions that limit to acids or bases for pH control, or gases for aeration, etc.

In fed-batch systems fresh medium or medium components are fed continuously, intermittently or are added as a single supplement.  Here the volume of the system increases with time.

Continuous fermentations are open systems where fresh medium is continuously fed into the fermentation vessel and spent medium and cells are removed at the same rate and thus the volume remains constant.

Batch fermentation

This is a closed culture system which contains an initial, limited amount of nutrients. The microorganisms from the inoculum will pass through a number of phases, lag phase, log or exponential phase, stationary phase and death or decline phase.

Lag phase is immediately after inoculation when no apparent growth takes place and this is considered as a time of adaptation. The length of the lag phase should be reduced as much possible in a commercial process to be economical.  Following lag phase, the logarithmic or log phase ensues, this is the period during which the growth rate of cells gradually increases, the cells grow at a Constant, maximum, rate possible.  The exponential phase may be described as

                         dx/dt = µx

Where x is the concentration of microbial biomass, t is time in hours and µ is the specific growth rate. 

The production of primary metabolites occurs during the log phase and this phase is known as the trophophase.  Examples of primary metabolites are amino acids, nucleotides, vitamins, citric acid, acetic acid, ethanol, etc.


The growth of the organism results in the consumption of nutrients and the excretion of microbial products. Thus, after a certain time the growth rate of the culture decreases until growth ceases. This may be due to the depletion of essential nutrients in the medium (substrate limitation) or accumulation of toxic products by organism (toxin limitation) or both these factors.

The nature of the limitation of growth can be studied by growing the organism in the presence of different concentrations of substrates and plotting the biomass concentration at stationary phase against the initial substrate concentration. 

It can be seen that with initial increase in substrate concentrations a proportional increase in the biomass produced occurs.  The situation may be explained as

                          x = Y(S-SR)

Where x is the concentration of biomass produced,

Y is the yield factor (g biomass produced/ substrate consumed),

S is the initial substrate concentration, and

SR is the residual substrate concentration.

The yield factor is a measure of the efficiency of substrate conversion into biomass.

After stationary phase, death phase occurs. The decrease in growth rate and the cessation of growth due to the depletion of substrate, may be explained using Monod equation,

                       µ = µmax s/(Ks+s)

Where s is the residual substrate concentration, µ is the specific growth rate, µmax is the maximum specific growth rate and Ks is substrate utilization constant, which is equal to substrate concentration when µ is half µmax and this is a measure of the affinity of the organism for the substrate.

Secondary metabolites are produced during the stationary phase and this phase is also known as idiophase.  Secondary metabolites are organic compounds that are not directly involved in the normal growth, development or reproduction of an organism. Microbial secondary metabolites include antibiotics, pigments, toxins, etc.

A primary metabolite is considered as growth-linked and secondary metabolites are non-growth-linked products.

Application of batch fermentation

Batch fermentation may be used to produce biomass, primary metabolites and secondary metabolites. For biomass production, cultural conditions supporting the fastest growth rate and maximum population would be used.  For primary metabolite production conditions to extend the exponential phase and for secondary metabolite production, conditions giving a short exponential phase and an extended production phase will be used.

A batch fermentation possess disadvantages since several distinct practical stages are associated with the operation of a batch fermentation as follows,

  1. Charging or filling the fermenter with fresh medium;
  2. Sterilization of the fermenter and medium;
  3. Inoculation of the fermenter;
  4. Production of microbial products;
  5. Harvesting of biomass and spent fermentation broth; and
  6. Cleaning of the vessel.

This has major economic implications since for a considerable period of time, the fermenter vessel is not producing microbial products, but is being cleaned, filled, sterilized, etc. The non-productive period is referred to as the down-time of the fermenter.  The down time is very high for a batch fermentation.

Fed batch Fermentation

Fed-batch culture is a batch culture which is fed continuously, or sequentially, with medium, without the removal of culture fluid. It is established initially in batch mode and is then fed according to either one of the following strategies:

i) The same medium used to establish the culture is added - result in an increase in volume.

(ii) A solution of the limiting substrate at the same concentration as that in the initial medium is added - result in an increase in volume.

(iii) A concentrated solution of the limiting substrate is added - result in an increase in volume.

iv) A very concentrated solution of the limiting substrate is added – does not result in an increase in volume.

Fed-batch systems employing strategies i) and (ii) are variable volume fed batch system. System employing strategy (iv) is fixed volume fed batch system. The use of strategy (iii) gives a culture intermediate between the variable and fixed volume systems.

Continuous Fermentation

Exponential growth in batch culture may be prolonged by the addition of fresh medium to the vessel.  Fresh medium is continuously added and an equal volume of spent fermentation broth and cells are displaced at same rate. Exponential growth will proceed and steady state will be achieved, that is, formation of new biomass by the culture is balanced by the loss of cells from the vessel.

The flow of medium into the vessel is related to the volume of the vessel by the dilution rate, D, defined as


where F is the flow rate and V is the volume of the vessel.

The net change in cell concentration over a time would be

                    dx/dt  = growth - output

                    dx/dt  = µx - Dx

Under steady state concentrations, dx/dt will be zero, then

                    µx = Dx

                    µ = D

So under steady state conditions the specific growth rate is controlled by the dilution rate, up to a maximum value equal to µ max.  If the dilution rate is increased above µmax, complete washout of the cells occurs, as the cells have insufficient time to divide before being washed out of the reactor via the overflow. The dilution rate at which this problem of washout is just avoided is termed as the critical dilution rate (Dcrit).

The controlling effect of the dilution rate on microbial growth can be explained by the Monod equation,

                   µ = µmax s/(Ks+s)

At steady state, µ = D, so

                  D = µmax ŝ / (Ks+ŝ), where ŝ is steady state concentration of substrate

                  ŝ = KsD / (µmax - D)

So the substrate concentration is influenced by the dilution rate.  Thus biomass growth depends upon substrate concentration and thereby on dilution rate. 

Growth of cells is controlled by the availability of a rate-limiting nutrient. Th system, where the concentration of the rate-limiting nutrient entering the system is fixed, is termed as a chemostat. In a chemostat the substrate concentration is held constant. The other type is a turbidostat, where nutrients in the medium are not limiting. In this case turbidity or absorbance of the culture is monitored and maintained at a constant value, here the cell concentration is held constant.

Continuous Fermenter

The concentration of cells in the chemostat at steady state is described by the equation:

                  ẍ = Y (SR- Sr)

where ẍ is the steady-state cell concentration in the chemostat, SR is the substrate concentration of inflowing medium, Sr is the steady-state residual substrate concentration in the reactor and Y is the yield factor.

Therefore, the biomass concentration under steady state conditions is controlled by the substrate feed concentration and the operating dilution rate.

Advantages and disadvantages of continuous fermentation system

The down time of fermenter is much less and is thus more economic.  The fermenter can be more easily automated thus requiring less labor.  But the chances of contamination and loss of productivity of the microorganism (strain deterioration) is more.  The control operations are more complicated.  There will be problems in the licensing of a continuous process product since it may not be always possible to trace a consignment of product to a batch of raw materials.  This is due to the fact that in a long continuous process several different batches of media will be used and thus associating product with a batch of raw material will be impossible.

These three modes of fermentations are used in various microbial fermentative productions.  The choice of the mode of operation, that is batch, fed-batch or continuous fermentation, depends upon the product being produced.



Industrial Microbiology: An Introduction, M J. Waites, N L. Morgan, J S. Rockey, G Higton

Principles of fermentation technology, PF Stanbury, A Whittakker, SJ Hall, 1995, Butterworth-Heinemann publications



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